How to Avoid Gambling

Many people who develop a gambling problem have multiple contributing factors, including family and friends, the medications they take, and even their personality. Despite the fact that compulsive gambling is more common in men, women can also become addicted to gambling more easily. Other factors that increase the risk of compulsive gambling include the presence of a gambling addiction in the family or friends, and certain medications used to treat conditions such as restless legs syndrome or Parkinson’s disease.

People who gamble may also have mood disorders and compulsions to spend money. In such cases, the gambling habit may exacerbate the mood disorder. The disorder may even remain after the gambling problem has ceased. Fortunately, there are numerous treatments for compulsive gambling. One such treatment is cognitive-behavioral therapy. This form of therapy works to teach the sufferer new ways to think about the problem, and to decrease the urge to gamble.

Various forms of gambling may be prohibited in some places. One way to avoid gambling is to limit your finances. First of all, don’t use your credit card to gamble. It is better to leave it to someone else. Secondly, if possible, close your online betting accounts and have your bank make payments automatically. Finally, only carry a small amount of cash on you. By doing this, you will ensure that you won’t be spending your money on gambling.