It is important to understand the psychological effects of gambling and to be aware of your own limitations. While the majority of adults have engaged in some sort of gambling activity, a small minority report that it is a major leisure activity that has replaced other activities. To combat this problem, you should consider the following strategies. 1. Strengthen your support system. Reach out to your family and friends to help you overcome your gambling addiction. Also, try making new friends outside of gambling. Attend classes on mental health, volunteer for good causes, and join peer support groups. Inpatient gambling addiction rehab centers offer 24-hour support and rehabilitation services.
First, stop your impulse. When you feel the urge to gamble, resist the temptation. You cannot stop yourself from gambling if you aren’t willing to give up. Next, get rid of your credit cards. Transfer your account balances to a trusted person or close your online gambling accounts. Finally, keep only a small amount of cash on you. This is one of the most important and difficult steps to take if you are a gambling addict.
The costs of gambling are often classified in three categories: personal, interpersonal, and societal. Personal impacts of gambling include individual costs, while interpersonal and societal costs are often overlooked. These costs may eventually become visible. At the societal level, social costs may include increased public services and infrastructure. However, most of these costs are invisible and unrecognized, and rarely considered when deciding on gambling policies. Further, societal costs may include the benefits or costs of gambling on people’s social networks.